מדיה ויקי:LoadingContent.js: הבדלים בין גרסאות בדף

תוכן שנמחק תוכן שנוסף
שורה 1:
// used by [[תבנית:תוכן נטען]] and [[תבנית:קישור לתוכן נטען]]
// written by [[user:yonidebest]] and [[user:ערן]]
$( document ).ready( function () {
var lastLoadedId;
function showLoadingContect(target, id)
if(lastLoadedId==id) return;
// indicate in target that we are loading info in backgrounds
var text = '<div class="floatright"><img alt="אנא המתינו" ';
text += 'src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif/22px-Ajax-loader.gif" ';
text += 'width="22" height="22" /></div>טעינת תוכן חדש, אנא המתינו...<br /><br />';
var targetDiv = document.getElementById(target);
targetDiv.innerHTML = text + targetDiv.innerHTML;
function showLoadingContect( target, id ) {
// get link info and update content
if ( lastLoadedId === id ) return;{
var selectedLink = document.getElementById(id);
updateContentTarget(target, $(selectedLink).attr('linkto'));
lastLoadedId = id;
// indicate in target that we are loading info in backgrounds
var text = '<div class="floatright"><img alt="אנא המתינו" ';
text += 'src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif/22px-Ajax-loader.gif" ';
text += 'width="22" height="22" /></div>טעינת תוכן חדש, אנא המתינו...<br /><br />';
var targetDiv = document.getElementById( target );
targetDiv.innerHTML = text + targetDiv.innerHTML;
// get link info and update content
var selectedLink = document.getElementById( id );
updateContentTarget( target, $( selectedLink ).attr( 'linkto' ) );
function updateContentTarget( target, url ) {
$( '#' + target ).load( mw.util.getUrl( url, { action: 'render' } ) );
var linkstargets = mw.util.$content.find( 'spandiv.loadingContentLinkloadingContent' );
function updateContentTarget(target, url)
if ( !targets.length ) {
$('#'+target).load(mw.util.getUrl(url, {action: 'render'}));
var targetslinks = mw.util.$content.find( 'divspan.loadingContentloadingContentLink' );
if (!targetslinks.length) return;{
if (!links.length) return; // no links
var links = mw.util.$content.find('span.loadingContentLink');
if (!links.length) return; // no links
targets.each( function( i, e ) {
var target = this.id;
var linksOfTarget = links.filter( function () {
var info = this.title.split( "***" ); // where [0] = title, [1] = target, [2] = linkto, [3] = default;
return ( info[1] == target );
} );
var linksOfTarget=links.filter(function(){
var info = this.title.split("***"); // where [0] = title, [1] = target, [2] = linkto, [3] = default;
return (info[1] == target);
// for each link that links to target
linksOfTarget.each( function( linkCounter ) {
var info = this.title.split( "***" );
var link = $( '<a>' );
link.attr( 'id',target + linkCounter );
link.attr( 'targetName',target );
link.attr( 'linkto',info[ 2 ] );
link.css( 'textDecoration', 'none' );
if ( info[ 3 ] === "no‏no" ) { // not default
link.attr( 'href', mw.util.getUrl( info[ 2 ] ) );
link.click( function () {
showLoadingContect( info[ 1 ], link.attr( 'id' ) );
return false;});
} );
else {
link.attr( 'disabled', 'true' );
// link.attrremoveAttribute('disabled','true'"href");
link.append( info[ 0 ] );
this.innerHTML = "";
this.style.display = "none";
link.insertBefore( $( this ) );
} );
this.maxlinks = linksOfTarget.length;
// load default text / random text
var info2 = this.title.split( "***" ); // where [0] = default link, [1] = is random
if ( info2[ 1 ] === "yes" ) { // random
var randomNum = Math.floor( Math.random() * linksOfTarget.length );
var randomLink = document.getElementById( target + randomNum );
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*linksOfTarget.length);
varshowLoadingContect( target, randomLink = document.getElementById(target +id randomNum);
showLoadingContect(target, randomLink.id);
else if ( info2[0] !== "" ) {
updateContentTarget(target, info2[0]);
this.title = "";
} );
} );